Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Moving in slow motion

I'm moving. I don't know where to, but I'm doing it. My plans are to be ready to leave by the end of November, and by the end of the year at the very latest. I've been reading Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend. In it they talk about a lot of different types of boundaries. The ones I've been struggling most come from the family variety. For the better part of a decade I lived on my own with relatively little input outside of tuition coming from my parents. My move back to the Twin Cities was originally intended to be temporary for a month or two at the most. I had a job lined up in Florida and was pretty much planning on moving there as soon as I had taken the FL paramedic registry exam. So I studied and then...decided that I wasn't sure I wanted to be a medic any longer.

So, I stayed home, and 2 months has turned into 2 years. I've been blessed with loving and supportive parents who have always only wanted the best for me, but I've come to realize that I'm only stifling my growth as an adult by staying here. I don't save money like I should be...and I live far away from work and my friends. I love driving, but there comes a time when those extra couple of hours spent in the car would be nice to spend sleeping instead...

In Genesis 2:24 it states:

"Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife. They become one flesh. " (The Message)

As a Christian man, I'm called to separate and begin my own family. I think that's part of why my dating life has been so unsuccessful as of late. I went from an independent and fully functional adult lifestyle to one that is hobbled by the fact that I live upstairs from my parents and don't do all my cooking any more, I'm not responsible for making sure I've got enough money for food, water and electricity any more. While I enjoy the relative ease with which I go about my life at home, I long for something more...something that living so far away from everything I'm involved in will continue to hobble me until *I* do something about it. As some of you out there know, I've been praying about a woman I know and what to do with the feelings I have for her. I still don't have a cut and dried answer...but I feel like God is working through that desire to light the fire under my seat to get out and live again.

I guess this kind of is a dating related blog...but not really. Most of what I've been running over in my head lately has been in regards to the whole concept of "what if it really *is* me?" idea. I've come to some conclusions that it's a little bit of's that for vague? Happy Halloween, I guess.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ready for the next....what?

I'm ready. I don't know for what...or when, but I'm ready. I feel like something big is going to happen soon. I've been on several rather lackluster dates in the last month. Nice women all...but just, not for me.

I've been reading Sex God by Rob Bell over the last few nights. It's really opened my eyes up to a lot of random things that I've been substituting "this for that" lately. This drive I have to find a mate has been suffocating. I don't really know where it's coming from...and I don't know why in the last year it's turned up to 11... But, I do know that it's about time for a change...maybe it's me? Anyway...have a great weekend...