Thursday, March 20, 2008

Has it really been 2 months?

Seriously, have I been away from blogging that long? I've had lots of things to write about, but really have just been processing things internally as of late.

I joined Lifetime Fitness about a month ago and have gone most nights since that time, despite being sick for the better part of the last month. They've been exceedingly helpful with planning out meals and setting up exercise routines. I've managed to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks...only 45 more to go! (By August...) My trainer has been really cool, she even started coming to Upper Room.

As for being sick, I'm not really sure what it is that I have, but it's annoying. I've had (in no particular order) a fever, nausea/vomiting, a sore throat, the brief loss of my voice, lots of coughing, a runny nose, headaches and just a general feeling of fatigue. I missed work again today after making it through just fine on Monday and Tuesday. I woke up today and felt like someone had hit me with a bus, and backed over me to make sure they got the job done...then I puked. All in all, great way to start out the morning.

I sometimes wonder if it's stress related, I've been under quite a bit of it as of late. It seems like everything sort of collapsed in on me in the last couple of weeks and I'm finally climbing out of the wreckage. I've been going to meal group for the first time this session. I wound up with a really neat collection of people from different life stages. Plus, it's given me a chance to get out of the house for something other than buying food and going to the gym while I've been sick. Oh, and one of them worked with an it's been interesting getting to talk through stuff with her and her husband.

I picked up a book recently called When Bad Christians Happen to Good People by Dave Burchett (ISBN-10: 1578564905) I've run into a lot of people at work whose only real exposure to a Christian was a guy who was a real Bible thumping proselytizing holier-than-thou who worked here until he was fired for gross sexual misconduct with patients... Anyway, there are about 4-5 Christians that I know of at work, and by Christians I mean the kind that go to church on days other than Christmas and Easter, and are willing to discuss Faith matters openly. So there's a big void there...and a lot of mixed animosity/apathy towards Christians in general because of this guy. Granted, there are quite a few homosexuals at my workplace as well, and traditionally, they mix like water and oil with Christians. So, I figured it would be a good idea to have a place to start at least opening dialogs with people about what they think of the whole "Jesus Stuff". It's been relatively easy so far, people are really willing to talk about what they believe when they're comfortable that you're not trying to convert we'll see where that goes in the future. I'm hoping to gain some new insight into how to breach the subject more successfully through reading. (Imagine that, me trying to learn more from a book...go figure.)

I'm also experimenting what life is like without a regular TV. Mine was tragically destroyed in an incident about a week ago where my building leaked and shorted out both the TV and the cable box. I had the cable box replaced (I can't miss LOST...) but the TV is still sitting on the floor until such a time as the dumpster in the garage is empty enough for me to toss it in. (My building generates a disproportionate amount of large items it seems.)

In the mean time, I've been using my 10" portable DVD player as a monitor to watch stuff on cable. It's tiny, but I can at least keep up with all my shows/movies that I've been recording. I've been saving a lot of classics as of late, as well as several shows on PBS. I suppose at some point I'll get rid of cable entirely and just record the network shows I like...but I'm not ready for that yet.

Oh, dates in over 2 months, and I'm okay with that. My eHarmony membership lapses next week...after a year and only minor success, I was ready to pack it in. I turned off matching in January, and shut down everything else shortly after that. It was an eye opening year for me personally, of which I'll probably have to write an entry about in the next few days...

Anyway, life's been interesting in the last few months that I've "been away" from here...more to come in the near future...I promise.