Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sweet Jimmy Jams....'s raining in my apartment!

At least, that was my first thought this morning when I was rudely disturbed from my slumber at 0339. I turned on the light and heard dripping noises. Upon further inspection, I discovered there were not 1, but 4 places in the ceiling that were leaking. I scrambled around to throw my bed against the wall out of the way of the putrid water coming from the apartment above me...and fired up my computer to find the number for maintenance. (I just threw away all of my stuff from The Atrium yesterday...literally) The guy came in and the only words out of his mouth were "Oh S***"...and he ran upstairs to find out what the heck was going on. In the mean time, I went to the gym. I wasn't going to let a little mess in my soon to be former apartment ruin a morning with my trainer. When I got back, I found out that the guy upstairs had been filling his fish tank...and went to bed.

This of course explains the random rushing of large amounts of water I hear coming from the balcony now and then... So process of packing up has been turbo charged. I've gotta get out of here before the entire ceiling caves in on me...and ruins another television.


SK said...

What a great story! Are you at the Manual now?

Ohh, my blog address is Update it. :)

Joe said...

Awesome! ...I was wondering where you went.

I'm mostly moved in at the Manual now, just need to clean up the kitchen and a few odds and ends in the apartment by the end of the month. I got a new bed too! It's pretty sweet.