Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Girls Girls Girls...

This week has been strange. I've literally been bombarded with women who want to get to know me. I really do wonder if there's something in the water. I've also been reading Mars and Venus on a Date (a fantastic read for you relationship-phobes out there...) and it's been a good experience overall. It's really opened my eyes to the perils of moving too quickly into a relationship. I realized that I've sabotaged previous relationships that might have had potential because I skipped stages of dating.

I'm really trying to do right with this round of dating, so I'm taking things very slowly...almost painfully slow. But, I've found it's more rewarding in the long run. I've gotten the chance to get to know a lot of wonderful women without the looming cloud of physical intimacy overshadowing the newly formed relationship. I've touched on this before, but I really want to do right this time around. I've screwed up way too many relationships in the past because of random make outs... It's been a long time, and I'm ready to get back into the game (put me in Coach!) and do things right this time.

But, that means a lot of practice dates with lots of different women. I've tried to explain this to all the involved parties, and I think for the most part, everyone is okay with it. But, there are always going to be hang ups and bumps in the road. That's a given...but, armed with my ever expanding knowledge of the complex infrastructure known as the female mind, I think I'll be okay.


Unknown said...

If you need any practice dates, I'm always there for you sweetie.

Brett said...

Ryan...are you cheating on me?