Sunday, July 1, 2007

It's Hot...

It's been a few days since I wrote last...I'm on the last of another 6 days in a row at work...and of course, I'm typing this while I'm at work.

My birthday is coming up on the 4th. I hate this time of's about as much fun as Valentine's day and New Years for me. In the last few years, they've only been hallmarks of another year's passing. Another year single, another year without deciding to go out and do it. (whatever "it" is) It's the one time of the year I want nothing more than to be left alone. I get tired of wanting what is seemingly out of reach without getting off of my butt and going after it.

I'll be 27 this year. Creeping closer to 30 with each day. And while I know that 27 is by no means old in any stretch of the feels old to me. I saw pictures of me from spring break of my Freshman year of college, and it made me wonder what happened to the last 7 years? Where did the time go? What happened to that kid who was so ready to take on the world? Is he still here? Is he still ready to take on the world after so much has happened? Or has he taken a resigned outlook on life in general... I really hope not...

Obviously I get a little down around my's the introspective nerd in me. I spend so much time throughout the year over-analyzing situations (past and future) that I rarely just act. I don't do anything spontaneous anymore. It feels like my entire life these days is planned out in the days and weeks beforehand...and the fat guy I'm supposed to have battled with is looming in the shadows...anyway...back to work. I hope everyone out there had a great least someone did.

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