Sunday, September 16, 2007

Don't call it a comeback...

Wow, it's been nearly two months since I wrote last. So much has happened in that time...I don't even know where to begin.

I took a little break from eHarmony to try and get sorted. I really don't know if God is calling me to be in a dating relationship right now...but I'll give it a shot again. Just when everything seemed to be in order, life got flipped on it's side. I guess that's to be expected though...

I've been reading a ton of books again (could be trouble...) and I've been trying to broaden my reading horizons from the world of relationship books. I picked up a collection of speculative "what if" historical short's been a pretty interesting read so far. One of them deals with the events of the mid 60's after Germany and the U.S. came to a cease fire agreement to end WWII. (This of course happened after Germany's nuclear armed V3 rockets obliterated England and most of Europe.) Another speculates what might have happened if the South had won the Civil War... Yet another tells the story of the botched bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki...and how the mere demonstration of their destructive power may have yielded a similar result. (Though, I don't think the author took into account the ferocious loyalty of the Japanese people to their Emperor and his order that death should always precede surrender...but who am I to quibble with speculative historical fiction?)

I'm also reading book 1 of 2 in the "Eugenics Wars" saga of Star Trek. For those of you out there who aren't as nerdy as myself, the Eugenics Wars took place in the 1990's of Star Trek's timeline and resulted in the fleeing of Khan Noonian Singh and his fellow supermen to the stars aboard the SS Botany Bay. It's an interesting look at the "past" through the eyes of Star Trek following the progress of genetic engineering from the 1970's through the 90's and the sparking of WWIII.

Yet another book I'm reading is Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. I've only read passages from it in the past and I thought it was high time I actually read the whole thing. It's been quite the page turner so far. I'm constantly amazed by how one man could have been so insightful so many years ago, and how his writing is still quite poignant today. My faith has really been tested this both myself and my relationships. I've questioned a lot of truths that should never have even been in contention, and been somewhat disappointed with myself along the way.

I was talking with my friend Justin today about relationships that I've been in recently...and how it always seems that I go for one extreme or the other when it comes to Christian women. On the one hand I have girls who are very much in *and* of the world and yet regard themselves as Christians, and on the other you have the very devout Christians who may or may not have ever had their faith tested by life (or dating for that matter...). I have yet to come to a consensus which is worse at this point. I think there's too little blending of the two. Granted, I'd prefer she be open to new ideas *and* able to accept that some times you have to say no to the world. Especially the world's definition of what is and isn't "acceptable behavior" when it comes to male/female interactions. It's so frustrating to be torn by mind and body...your head is saying one thing...and your body is saying something completely contradictory to what you know in your head is right.'s almost 0130...and I should be getting to bed.

More to come in the days ahead...

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